Why Don’t My Interventions Work ?(Or not enough) 3 Hours

Prix régulier $38.95


Trainer: Isabelle Fréchette Bacc. Éduc.



It's probably not the first time you've asked yourself this question: Why don't my interventions work? Here, we'll take an enlightened look at the ways you intervene and give you some tips.

Training Plan - Duration: 3 hours

3 hours:2 hours educational program + 1 hour child development

Block I - Why Don't My Interventions Work? 

You are doing the same interventions over and over again.

You need a step back.You lack consistency.

Children are not robots!

Block II - How Do I Make Sure my Future Interventions Work?

The game plan
The 21 day theory
Understanding child development

Block III - Tips for improving your interventions 
Understanding the child's need
The 5C's of intervention
Punishments and isolation
The See, Hear, Acknowledge technique


    Isabelle Fréchette B. Éd.

    She has a Bachelor of Education degree in Special Education and a certificate in Human Resources. She has worked as a teacher, a remedial teacher and for over 20 years in child care. She has worked in almost every position available in child care (educator, compliance officer, director). For the past few years, she has been a lecturer at the CEGEP for the training of future childcare workers. Mother of three children, she shares her knowledge of special needs children through her many professional and personal experiences.



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